

Update Instructions

Getting Started with UDEC 7:

  • All commands in UDEC have changed! This is to provide future consistency and compatibility across all Itasca software. While some old commands may still work, this is not guaranteed.
  • There are sections in the program menu Help->help that list on to one mappings of the old to new commands.
  • There is an automatic command conversion tool built into the GUI version (not GIIC) of the program. Load the file (data, FISH, or GIIC project files) into the built-in editor and then click edit -> command conversion.
  • The new UDEC is built around the use of project files. These project files are different from the GIIC project files and have a different file extension. It is highly recommend to use project files as they provide a base for the location of the project and will store plot settings.
  • UDEC 7.00 is built on Visual Studio 2017. DLL’s from VS 2010 will not be compatible. There is not currently a template for creating UDMs in 2017. The header files and libraries required for this are included. The example solution that is included in the install may be modified for a new DLL. Instructions for doing this are in the Constitutive Model Volume of the PDF manual.
  • The help has been converted to provide guidance for the new commands. The keyboard shortcuts CTRL+space and F1 will list keywords in the editor.
  • The manual PDF files contain detailed background theory and instructions on how to use UDEC. The Command and FISH references have been moved to the online Help->Help.
